Google Forms Templates: Create an online Artworks event registration form to collect artwork submissions

Google Form provides free of cost way to create online surveys  and you can create form and receive responses from them and then you can create upload button to send and receive images uploads and then you can create different ways to send and receive forms.  Today we will create an online form which can receive application for a online art completion and user can send their names , their works as well as their whatsapp no., addresses and images and paintings to join competition.

Let us take a topic and we will like to do it in the form of women empowerment the subject line of online art exhibition and we will send joining certificates to each and every contestants an online certificates to each and every person whohas participated the competition and we will make it with Google Forms and then share it will a newly created page and share it and artists who want to participate can send their photos and images and their information through these Google Form formats.

Open Google Forms and log in with Google account and it is important to login with Google account which you can browse as and when artists send images of their creations and all of these will be inside of Google Drive folder so it is important to have proper Google account and there should be enough space to receive images uploads.

Google Form creation:

Click on plus (+) sign after logging into Google Forms and then it will come to a new window and in the top you will find the name of the form and here it will by default name as Untitled Form and here left click and write down Name of form and here write down Women Empowerment  and just below there is form description and here you can write an online art exhibition. If you want to make the sentence to bold then select it and click on bold and you can change the color of fonts and edit it and this process is there for each and every segment.

How to add Name of artist:

Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and choose short answer and in question filed write down  Name of artist and just below it is short answer text and here you left it empty as it will be filled by the participants who wants to participate and if it is required to be filled by participant then at the left hand below side slide down required slider button to enable it and in the form a red star button will be available on the form and this means the participants will have to fill the form.

How to add Address:

Here, to add address to Google Forms.

Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and choose Paragraph as for address we chose paragraph because for address we cannot chose short answer text as we have chosen for Name of artists as written above. If we if it is required to be filled by participant then at the left hand below side slide down required slider button to enable it and in the form a red star button will be available on the form and this means the participants will have to fill the form.

Then in order to add Pin, Whatsapp no. age, email id by adding short answer text as written for name of artist as above.

How to allow upload button to Google Forms:

The next columns are artist photo and artworks photo , you will provide an upload button so that participants will upload their photo and artworks and all of these wil be uploaded to Google drive of same account. Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and choose File Upload and it will ask you to allow and click on continue to allow Google Drive to access Google Forms, apart from this you can allow only specific file types such as you can chose from document, spreadsheet, pdf,  video, presentation, drawing, image, audio  or you can just not enable to allow all file types, on the next line maximum number of likes, it is from minimum 1 to maximum 10 and in the next line Maximum file size and default is 10 mb minimum to 10 gb and in the last line default file upload size is 1GB file size and you can change it from there.

How to allow multiple uploads through Google Forms:

Similar process can be implemented with Artworks photo . Here only change can be done is of maximum number of files and here you can change it to more than one as I changed it to 20 maximum as participants can upload multiple artworks. you will provide an upload button so that participants will upload their photo and artworks and all of these wil be uploaded to Google drive of same account. Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and choose File Upload and it will ask you to allow and click on continue to allow Google Drive to access Google Forms, apart from this you can allow only specific file types such as you can chose from document, spreadsheet, pdf,  video, presentation, drawing, image, audio  or you can just not enable to allow all file types, on the next line maximum number of likes, it is from minimum 1 to maximum 10

How to add Title, medium, size to Google Forms:

Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and choose short answer and in question filed write down  Title, medium, size and just below it is short answer text and here you left it empty as it will be filled by the participants who wants to participate and if it is required to be filled by participant then at the left hand below side slide down required slider button to enable it and in the form a red star button will be available on the form and this means the participants will have to fill the form.  From title, medium and size, enable required field for title and medium and do not enable it for size.

How to add multiple items in terms of multiple choice and here we would add 2 multiple choices in terms of category menu:

Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and from there chose for multiple choice and then write down category and then in its below there would be first choice and there right down below 18 years and then add another multiple choice that is a circle and right down above 18 years and here we need only 2 multiple choices so there is no need to add the third option.

How to add if choice multiple category if age is above 18 years. Click on the plus (+) sign and it will open the dialogue box and then on its left hand top side click on reverse triangle and from there chose for multiple choice and then write down if above 18 yearsand then in its below there would be first choice and there right down below student  and then add another multiple choice that is a circle and right down professional  and here we need only 2 multiple choices so there is no need to add the third option.

Then at the right hand upper side click on send button and it will show send form and here  from send via you have three option such as email, link and code and from link icon you can find the link of form and if you want to have shortened URL then click on it and then from the left hand side below click oncopy and share your online art exhibition to yours facebook page and in all social media tools in order to increase attendance of more and more online participants and you can receive their participation documents inside Google Drive.


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