How to stop emergency or distress number from Power Button of smart phone

When you set Lock screen lock in the form of a password or pin then you must be knowing about the presence of emergency number or distress number.

It is generally 112 and it is there with a lock screen as well as on some phones like Lyf Water 7 and so it is there when you press the power button one or more times.

The most obvious difficulties are the pressing of power button accidentally one or more times in order to wake up with the phone leads to call the emergency number (112) or distress number.

You unwantedly make the call which you never want at that point of time and secondly when the call to the distressing number or emergency number is going on at first the network stays at the state of aeroplane mode for some seconds and thus reaching to desktop screen of the phone takes some time.

If you search for answers by default there is no way you can remove that option altogether. There is no such option for stock Android devices. In India, this services is from Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRAI) as it plans to host a series of services with this number and the main aim is to make the dialling in the case of emergencies and exigencies or in times of distress so easy that even with the touch of power button for some time you can contact authorities.

“It said that GSM phones have inbuilt recognition of emergency numbers 112 and 911. “GSM handsets have an inbuilt feature to enable emergency calling on number 112 and 911. The facility of emergency calling encompasses calling even in cases where the phone is locked with a password; or where there is no balance amount left for making outgoing calls; or where the phone is outside the coverage area of the subscribed network but is receiving a signal from any other mobile operator; or the phone is without a valid subscription.””

https[:][//]timesofindia[.]indiatimes[.]com[/]india[/]112-may-soon-be-national-emergency-number[/]articleshow[/]4kd plt

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